Miss Lopez's blog

Monday, November 2, 2015


Hello everyone,

 Great news, we will be using ExploreLearning Reflex this year again! ReflexMath is the world's most effective (and fun) program for helping students master their basic facts.  This email contains instructions for setting up your own Reflex Parent Reporting Account that will allow you to monitor and support your child’s journey to math fact fluency.

Student Login Instructions:
1.    Go to http://www.reflexmath.com
2.    Click launch in the upper right hand corner of the page
3.    Login using the teacher username, class and password that was given to your child today at school
   Teacher username: m_lopez
    Class: 602 or 601
    Your child’s password:

Please encourage your child to get on as often as possible (every evening).

Signing up for a free Reflex Parent Reporting Account is easy:

  1.  Go to http://www.reflexmath.com/parents
  2.  Follow the onscreen instructions to set up a free parental reporting account.
  3. Launch Reflex login
  4. Once you are logged in, click the `Add Student` button and follow the onscreen directions. 

You will need the teacher username, class, and password information provided in class.

To access your reporting account in the future, just visit www.reflexmath.com, click `Launch` in the upper right hand corner of the page, and login with your email and password.

Have fun! 
 Miss Lopez

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