Miss Lopez's blog

Monday, November 24, 2014

Je pratique mon français

Avant d'aller faire dodo, je voulais partager quelques sites internet pour pratiquer le français.  Vous pouvez les utiliser pendant les cinq jours pédagogiques:) 


...à mercredi:)

Mme Lopez

Parent/Teacher Meetings

Thank you for taking the time to come and meet with me on Wednesday. I know that we all have very busy schedules, but sharing your time with me to discuss our munchkin is really appreciated.

Our meetings are limited to 10 minutes. So look over the report card ahead of time.  Write down any questions/concerns you have and bring them with you to discuss them with me.

These meeting, wrongly named Parent/teacher interviews, are clearly not interviews but team meetings. You and I are on the same team. We are both advocating for your child. Our common goal is to find ways to support your child so that they can excel.

In order to respect everyone’s scheduled time, I will be running a timer to keep me on track. If we feel that we need more time, we can set up another meeting where we will be less rushed. 

 I really am looking forward to meeting you.

Here are some pics of what we were up to today:

Daily 5

 Using Lego and playdough to practice spelling our words

"Really you don't like to get your picture taken?"

"Nope! Me either!"

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Editing Ed

In previous years, whenever I said "it's time to edit our papers!" I always heard a universal groan that included my myself!   I always dread trying to tell the kids that the papers they had worked so hard over needed some tweaking.
They don't want to add, correct or fix anything. They think their piece is just fine.
I knew I needed a plan, a way to get them excited about editing. What could possibly make them want to see red marks on their papers? I needed someone to "save the day", so I decided the kiddies needed a new friend...someone cute, yet not too cute.  I needed someone who liked to leave his mark.
Enter Editing Ed:

Who can be upset with a wild haired, google-eyed character -even if he is marking up our papers with red ink.
Along with Ed, this afternoon we were introduced to peer editing. We needed to edit our piece "
Where is Miss Lopez?" We focused on a three-step strategy for peer editing, providing compliments (1), (2) suggestions, and (3) corrections.  We critiqued our work; we suggested improvements and we used Ed to correct our spelling, punctuation and capitals:)
I did not hear any groans, but I saw lots of smiles:

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Our outing to the museum of Art contemporain and the MSO

Hello everyone,
Here are the pictures I took of today's outing.  I promise the kids they would be up right away:)
It was a fantastic outing!  We had so much fun!  The kiddies were so well behaved, I am so proud of them.
Our morning visit to the Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal was very stimulating:)  had a very good message,  caring for our planet: Our future! It truly energized our minds!  We also created a nice sculpture using pipe cleaners, straws and other materials.  

 These are our very own creations:

What is that Miss Lopez?

A slide projector!  Our kids don't know what these are, am I that old?:(

 Some of our very own PDC students were part of the play!

 Erica you are a natural!

Can you tell where Erica is?  She played a mean police officer!

Visit the OSM's website here

We had a blast! 
 Have a good evening,
Miss Lopez