Miss Lopez's blog

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Happy Holidays

Hello everyone,
We finished December with a few hiccups.  We had 7 students absent on Monday.  Massimo M. called a possible "world record breaker," since we are always a full house in class 403.  
Despite missing a few munchkins, we worked, sang, crafted and just had fun.

Our Christmas holidays started with mixed emotions however.  One of the funniest, most amazing teachers (teacher of the year 2014 no less) left PDC to be promoted to Vice Principal.  We are extremely happy for Mrs. Santilli, but lets be honest we will miss her terribly.  
She was not only my partner in crime for so many years but someone I can truly call my friend.  

We will miss her sense of humor, her funny anecdotes and her infectious laugh.  Westmount park is lucky to be calling such a great person their new vice-principal.
Congratulations Miss Santilli, we will miss you!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Good to know!

Hi everyone,
 A friend of mine from Central America, just sent me this poster! I wanted to share it with you.
 I think we are very lucky to live in a bilingual country!  
Some of us are 3 times as lucky to be trilingual!  
Check out this poster:

"Dual language education provides a unique and powerful opportunity to strengthen children’s highest cognitive brain potentials through deliberate literacy development in two languages and authentic exposure to rich language experiences. The benefits of a bilingual brain are countless."
Via: www.vifprogram.com

I am happy our munchkins are part of a bilingual setting!
Good night,
Miss Lopez

X-mas Concert at Pierre de Coubertin

Our little stars shined today!  What a great concert!  
Our munchkins performed beautifully!  I am really proud of them!

Here is a short footage:

Here is what we did today!  We finished our crafts, we did some knitting, and we wrote letters:)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December in class 403

Hello everyone!
It has been a very busy last couple of weeks!  We have been working hard, studying just as hard and crafting twice as much:)
We are ready for the holidays...as ready as we can be :)

Here are some pics :

We had a blast during our team building activity: Making snowmen! ( Does anybody else have the song: "Do you want to build a snowman?" in their head?  :))

Hello Miss Santilli!

Tessellation art:

Making our x-mas crafts and centers:

Stay tuned for more pics of our concert...