Miss Lopez's blog

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Outdoor learning!

Outdoor learning can have a positive impact on a child's development, especially when childhoods are dramatically changing with few opportunities for kids to spend time outdoors.  We took advantage of the warm weather and had fun working outside!

The heat has finally come to an end and we will be able to have normal school days again!
Have a great night  😉
Miss Lopez

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Typing lessons

In our modern classroom, where “bring your own device” is not just a buzzword and computer-based activities are part of the curriculum; I wonder if my students know what is the best way to use those devices to enhance their own learning?  Many of them are already familiar with using tablets and smartphones to communicate and access information.  But moving icons and words with the glide of a finger, or using your thumbs to key in letters and text friends is not enough.  Students also need to know how to use the keyboard to write their essays, reports, and papers, whether they're to be submitted through email or printed out to hand in for their grade. Keyboarding skills are necessary and this is why we spent sometime at the computer lab today practicing and having fun with www.typingclub.com
Typing club is web based, highly effective and free!
Have fun using it at home!
Miss Lopez