Miss Lopez's blog

Monday, February 24, 2014

Carnival Day

Yay for Carnival day and living in Canada, where we can experience 4 seasons (sometimes even in one day:)!
What a day we had today!  We spent most of the morning outside, went sliding, went for a walk around the park and went on a horse drawn carriage.
We had a blast and didn't mind the cold weather either:)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

L’étoile de la semaine

Notre belle Erica est l'étoile de la semaine! Erica aime manger de la pizza, danser, lire des romans de la série Ivy et Bean, et écouter le film Frozen. Erica aime beaucoup jouer à être professeur et raconter les leçons de la journée à toutes ses poupées!
Continue ton excellent travail Erica, ou devrais je dire Madame Iacobelli : future professeure?! :)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Glissades aux Pays d'en Haut

Hello everyone!
I hope the week-end has been nice and restful, especially for the kiddies who had a fantastic time tubing and having fun!  
I have to say I was really proud of the munchkins on Friday. They followed the rules, listened to the monitors, parent volunteer and teachers.  They earn quite a few Dojo points for their amazing behavior. 
The temperatures at Piedmont were a little chilly.  However, the kiddies didn't seem to mind and were having a blast!
Here are some of the pictures I was able to take despite my camera freezing on several occasions:

Next outing:
Mount-Royal park for Carnival day!  Get your skates ready!
Have a great week!