Monday, September 23, 2024
Practicing area and perimeter outside
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Grandparents day
Fortunate are the children who have active grandparents in their lives. Spending time with grandparents is enriching to youth in so many ways, physically, emotionally, mentally, and socially.
A weekend at grandma and grandpa's house? Nonna’s home made pasta? Yaya or papou’s sense of humour? Abuelitos’ stories from long ago, I wish I could still learn from mine ❤️
Family plays such an important role in our lives and we should make time to cherish our love ones.
This week at PDC we celebrated these great role models and I am still feeling nostalgic:
We had a blast!
A brand new school year!
Dear families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. This is such an exciting time for your child: they are finally in grade 6!!
I am committed to making this year one of excitement, growth, and opportunity, both academically and socially. I will guide and encourage your child, celebrating each step of the way as he or she continues to gain a love of learning, self-confidence and the academic skills that form a foundation for continued success.
Here are a some pictures of what we have been up to during the first few weeks of school: