Engaging with art is essential to the human experience. Almost as soon as our motor skills are developed, we communicate through artistic expression. A number or researchers have shown that arts can increase students’ performance in other subjects. Since we are spending all this time indoors to keep everyone safe, why not try one of these activities?
Please make sure to prepare the area where you will be crafting before you begin. You have seen me prep our tables with a garbage bag before we start "crafting" at school. Do the same at home;)
Wear an old t-shirt to avoid ruining your clothes.
https://www.momdot.com/how-fluid-paint-kids/. This one is a messy one. Items from your parents bathroom cabinet may be required, so ask for help and permission first.
Make sure you do prep your area before you begin...it could get messy
This one is super cool if you have clay at home...
if you don't have clay, look for the recipe homemade clay.
Let me know which one you decide to tackle today and feel free to share pictures of your work of art!
Stay safe