Miss Lopez's blog

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Volleyball tournament at Rosemount high

Our munchkins displayed their amazing volleyball skills today at Rosemount high!

Team work is the key!

Resting in between games!

We had a little bit of energy left so we sang our little hearts out on our way back to PDC!

Thank goodness it wasn't The Song That Never Ends! 😳

Enjoy your long weekend munchkins! 
See you tomorrow mommies and daddies!
Miss Lopez

Monday, November 18, 2019

First week of our Video Game Design Project

This week at PDC our grade six students began the Video Game design program with Youth Fusion. This program will provide students with an opportunity to develop a greater awareness of the fields of technology and design through the creation of a video game. They will discover the various components of video game creation. This includes learning to master a range of technological tools connected to the project’s design such as sound, visuals, programming, and more importantly, develop strong project management and collaborative skills. Mentors from Ubisoft will also be sharing their expertise and guiding our students throughout the year. The students will get to showcase their video games at an end of year gala.

Today we practiced our drawing skills with the animation program Piskel. What do you think of our cows?

Stay tuned for more...the next generation of video game designers is at PDC!