Miss Lopez's blog

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Halo Run 2016

There is never a dull moment weather-wise, here in Montreal. One minute the sun is shining, people are sunbathing and the next you are wearing your winter coat because the temperature has dropped several degrees!  
We got to love our city!  
That's exactly what happened today at Mount Royal park during our Halo Run! Our Wonderful Phys. Ed. teachers planned our Halo Run day and even the weather could't cramp our style!  Right before our kids had their race a bunch of clouds decided to play a prank on us and got us soaked!  Minutes later those same clouds parted to let the sun shine right in!  
In spite of the weather, We really enjoyed our day!
Congrats to all of our PDC runners and the winners!
Our very own Luca P. won first place!  We are so proud of you Luca!

Thank you Mrs. Caluori, for all your help:)

Have a great long week-end kids!  
Thanks for the great memories!
Miss Lopez

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Ottawa 2016

The long awaited trip to Ottawa finally took place!  On May 13th, bright and early, under a few clouds and some rain, the sixth grade munchkins, or donuts as I like to call them because they are now all grown-up, departed for Ottawa.

After a few upset tummies, a lost tooth and lots of selfies, we finally arrived:

Christian lost a tooth on our way there!

The Royal Canadian Mint Museum (We weren't allowed to take any pictures of our tour)

(We were disappointed not to see Mr. Trudeau)

We had a really good time!
Have a great week everyone,
Miss Lopez