Miss Lopez's blog

Monday, January 26, 2015

The winter blues

Hi everybody!
It has been a while!  I have been fighting this nasty bug that everybody seems to be getting.  It is awful and it attacked my respiratory system.  Being an asthmatic does not help:( I've been resting, I used lots of eucalyptus oil in my humidifier, I followed many of my grandma's old remedies (cinnamon powder in hot water with honey is one of my favorites...yum) and lots and lots of chicken soup.  
I'm starting to feel better but that horrible cough is still lingering ;(

Our munchkins have been super stars while their teacher has been under the weather! They have been patient, caring and have worked really hard.  I was happy to be back in class today.

Last week my awesome knitting club finished some wonderful things:

Our last group to do their presentation for La Seigneurie were able to present:

La laiterie

The cold weather kept us in a few days, we burned some energy while we danced away during our Brain Breaks.  I introduced the kiddies to Footloose today! 

During math we viewed this video to help us understand the multiplication of double digits:

Multiplying Double Digits

In the afternoon we listened to the story How the Elephant Got His Trunk (The Elephant Child):
The Elephant Child

Stay tuned for more :)

Miss Lopez

Saturday, January 10, 2015

La seigneurie de la classe 403

Notre thème pour la deuxième étape en univers Social de 4e année proposait la fabrication d’une maquette pour permettre de comprendre l’organisation de la société française sur son territoire en Nouvelle-France. Après des lectures et le travail dans notre cahier Escales ainsi que notre cahier interactif, les élèves ont conçu et fabriqué une maquette pour expliquer comment était constitué une seigneurie en Nouvelle-France vers 1745, qui la peuplait, quels étaient le rôle de chacun et comment s’y déroulait la vie quotidienne.
Les élevés ont travaillé très fort du retour des vacances de Noel! Ils ont construit la maquette et ont présenté leur partie à la classe:)


Le moulin

La grange


Le manoir du seigneur

Le four à pain

La maison du colon

 Notre Seigneurie:

Analisa et Jena présenteront quand Jana sera de retour Mardi:)  

I am really proud of them!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Happy New Year!

Hello everyone!
I want to start by wishing you all a Great, Prosperous, Blissful, Healthy, Bright, Delightful, Energetic and Extremely Happy, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015.

January came in like a lion. Our munchkins have been unable to enjoy the snow outside because of the freezing-cold weather outside. However, the frigid temperatures have not hinder their enthusiasm. 

 Using several brain breaks during the day, dancing our sillies out, and enjoying Miss Lopez's Lullaby renditions of Guns and Roses, Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Queen, too many to name (I love the heavy metal versions!) (click here to experience Welcome to the Jungle).  They have continued to amaze me by working on all the projects I planned for them!
Brain Breaks!

Notre seigneurie

More pictures!!!!!!!

Our rockin' Holiday "craftivity"! 

I am really impressed by our munchkins, they love to work!
Notre seigneurie sera bientôt terminée!

Buenas Noches for now:)