We finished December with a few hiccups. We had 7 students absent on Monday. Massimo M. called a possible "world record breaker," since we are always a full house in class 403.
Despite missing a few munchkins, we worked, sang, crafted and just had fun.
Our Christmas holidays started with mixed emotions however. One of the funniest, most amazing teachers (teacher of the year 2014 no less) left PDC to be promoted to Vice Principal. We are extremely happy for Mrs. Santilli, but lets be honest we will miss her terribly.
She was not only my partner in crime for so many years but someone I can truly call my friend.
We will miss her sense of humor, her funny anecdotes and her infectious laugh. Westmount park is lucky to be calling such a great person their new vice-principal.
Congratulations Miss Santilli, we will miss you!