Miss Lopez's blog

Friday, May 30, 2014

Outdoor classroom initiaitve

We had a little bit of sun this week and we were able to take advantage of it:)
We went to the park to do some work and we also had time to enjoy the soccer field and the climbing structure.

Have a great week-end and get ready for the ABC's of the end of the year!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The ABC's of the End of the year

l'étoile de la semaine.

Isabella est une fille très sportive. Elle aime jouer tous les sports professionnellement! Isabella a reçu le  prénom de son arrière grand-mère.
Isabella aime lire le roman Dog Days en écoutant de la musique de Ringo Star. 

 Elle aime le film Lego Movie et construire des choses avec ses Legos. Elle est une Master Builder.
Plus tard Isabella aimerait jouer du soccer professionnellement, peut-être pour la FIFA! 
 Continue ton excellent travail Isa!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Making extraterrestrial creatures and pizza!

What a fun and creative week we had! We started the week with our outdoor classroom initiative. We finally got used to the tiny bugs and flies and were able to work on Math and grammar.

Then on Thursday we created notre creature extra-terrestre! We used Microsoft Word to type up their description, then we let our imagination go using our playdough. We missed playing with playdough!

Today we made our perfect fraction pizzas and watched a fantastic video on fractions!  You may want to watch it one more time! 

Have a great week-end everybody!  Keep up the great work!