I love teaching about geometry! I love teaching Math in general but geometry is one of my favorite subjects. I believe is because I use it quite a bit for my second passion: arts and crafts. (Teaching is my very first one:) )
It turns out Geometry is so fascinating because we find it everywhere!
For instance from making movies to creating beautiful artwork. The world of computerized graphic design is constantly growing and changing. Animated movies and video games use geometry to create life-like 3-D images; Medical imaging is a method that also uses 2D and 3D shapes for reconstructing shapes from inside the human body. If a CAT scan reveals a tumor, a medical imaging specialist can then use the data from the scan, along with the principles of geometry, to construct a three-dimensional model that is the size, shape and density of the tumor. Structural geometry is also a subject intertwined with building construction, structural engineering and architecture. To make geometry even more fascinating, according to the EscherMath website, geometry allows astronomers to plan observations and reconstruct bodies in outer space such as asteroids.
Geometry is used all around us! Maybe that is why I love it so much!
Today we started working on our Polygon Posters and we had so much fun!
Erica and Vanessa are making their own shapes and folding them to see if they have lines of symmetry. |
Fabio is telling Anthony about all the vertices a pentagon has. |
Emilio is reminding Dennis about using his ruler when drawing the lines of symmetry. |
Matthew is also trying to figure out how many lines of symmetry a triangle has. |
Angelica and Julia are making sure their posters are colorful! |
Just for fun, ask the kiddies to tell you what quadrilaterals and vertices are!