Nous pensions pratiquer nos connaissances sur les machines simples mais ils nous ont présenté des experiences chimiques!
Friday, November 29, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Les Débrouillards
Bonjour tout le monde!
Le vendredi 29 novembre l'equipe des Débrouillards sera dans notre classe pour nous présenter Les Machines simples. Nous découvrirons les propriétés incroyables d'une machine simple qui a pourtant permis aux êtres humains de pousser les limites de leur force naturelle et de leur génie!
En préparation à ce grand evenement, aujourd'hui nous avons écouté le vidéo suivant:
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Christmas Concert News
Dear Parents,
I am delighted to share some merry news with you. This year’s Christmas Concert has undergone a minor change. The homeroom teachers, not Ms. Carolyn will be responsible for preparing a couple of Christmas carols with their students.
I am sure that you are familiar enough with the third grade team :) and already know that our creativity has been working overtime!
We have selected the following songs for this year:
1- Feliz Navidad
2- Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer
As it gets closer to the concert, we will be sending you more details about volunteers and costumes. For right now, please find the links to the songs themselves (on youtube). For the lyrics and MP3 copies of the songs, please see the email I sent you earlier today. The children already have a copy, but you never know when you may need a spare. We know that by the time the concert is here, you may want to beat us with candy canes, but we ask that you practice the songs with your munchkins.
Feliz Navidad: (Preview)
Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer:
Thank you for all that you do & looking forward to seeing you at the concert!

Miss Lopez
I am delighted to share some merry news with you. This year’s Christmas Concert has undergone a minor change. The homeroom teachers, not Ms. Carolyn will be responsible for preparing a couple of Christmas carols with their students.
I am sure that you are familiar enough with the third grade team :) and already know that our creativity has been working overtime!
We have selected the following songs for this year:
1- Feliz Navidad
2- Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer
As it gets closer to the concert, we will be sending you more details about volunteers and costumes. For right now, please find the links to the songs themselves (on youtube). For the lyrics and MP3 copies of the songs, please see the email I sent you earlier today. The children already have a copy, but you never know when you may need a spare. We know that by the time the concert is here, you may want to beat us with candy canes, but we ask that you practice the songs with your munchkins.
Feliz Navidad: (Preview)
Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer:
Thank you for all that you do & looking forward to seeing you at the concert!
Miss Lopez
Monday, November 25, 2013
Des vidéos qui nous enseignent
Aujourd'hui nous avons écouté quelques vidéos en Univers Social sur la vie des Iroquoiens et un autre en science sur la force.
Univers Social
Les Iroquoiens :
Univers Social
Les Iroquoiens :
Notre étoile de la semaine
Plus tard Emilio aimerait être un pilote pour pouvoir voler partout dans le monde.
Continue ton excellent travail Emilio!
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
If the emperor penguins disappear, who cares?
What does it matter if one more bird disappears? Will anyone notice? Our planet has already lost so many species, and life goes on as usual. Why should we fret about the fate of a penguin? In reality, it is never just about a little bird. Humans impact entire ecosystems, for better or for worse.
I am a big advocate of protecting our planet. It is the only one we have that is perfect for us! It is not too cold or too hot...yet!
I showed the kiddies a video on Global Warming today. I find it alarming that Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions have increased by 32 per cent in the past 15 years. Canada’s Arctic is warming faster than anywhere else on the planet. Across Canada and around the globe, climate change has a far-reaching impact on people, our economy, wildlife and natural spaces that many species call home.
I believe we should inform our children what is happening to our planet, and teach them ways they can change it's fate. After all this is their planet too!
What I can do to protect the environment:
Monday, November 18, 2013
Le totem de la classe 303
Les animaux ont toujours eut une place tres importante dans la vie Amérindienne. Tous les animaux du plus petit papillon jusqu’au grand bison possédaient des pouvoirs précieux qui pouvaient être transmis aux hommes. Cependant, tous les animaux n’étaient pas utilisés comme « totems » chez tous les peuples amérindiens.
Multiplication Chart
Follow this link to watch another math video, this time on how to use a Multiplication chart and complete the review sheet they will be receiving in class on Tues. November 19th. This should be done for next Math class (Nov. 26th):)
Have fun!
Miss Lopez
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Important information and dates for next week
The kiddies only have two days of school this week and they should be receiving their report cards on Tuesday.
Nov. 15th: Ped day
Nov. 18th: Jour 4
- construction de notre animal totémique pour notre totem de classe :)
- Foire du livre (book fair) some $ needed for the purchasing of books
Nov. 19th: Please send reusable (grocery) bag for the kids to bring home their portfolios, which should be returned the following week after you have taken the time to go over them with your little one.
Nov. 20th: Parent/Teacher meetings (I will try to keep to the schedule (maybe use a timer
) to keep the waiting time to no more than 5 minutes
Nov. 21st and 22nd: Ped days
Follow this link to watch another math video, this time on how to use a Multiplication chart and complete the review sheet they will be receiving in class on Tues. November 19th. This should be done for next Math class (Nov. 26th):
Nov. 25th: Jour 6
Have a great week:)
MIss Lopez
Friday, November 15, 2013
The Top Reason to Give Soda the Boot …
The Top Reason to Give Soda the Boot …
Hello there,
I hope you are getting ready for winter, as it seems to be creeping up on us. During the winter season, we tend to forget to take good care of ourselves. We tend to overeat and not do enough exercice. I'm one of those people who will watch what I eat so I don't have to be on the treadmill for hours:) It can be quite tricky since I really enjoy a good meal.
I always ask myself this "is this really worth eating...or drinking?"
Soft drinks or sodas are one thing I try to stay away from. Let's face it they are not good for anyone, especially our children!
Here is a good article I got from a parent and I would like to share it with you...Happy reading and stay healthy!
The Top Reason to Give Soda the Boot …
Some of you reading this are undoubtedly thinking, how bad could soda really be? From my perspective, there is absolutely NO REASON you or your kids should ever drink soda. If you were stranded in the middle of a desert with no other fluid available, then maybe, but other than that … none, nada, zip, zero. No excuses.
From a health perspective, drinking Coke or any soft drink is a disaster. Just one extra can of soda per day can add as much as 15 pounds to your weight over the course of a single year, not to mention increase your risk of diabetes by 85 percent. The primary reason why soda is so dangerous to your health?
The fructose content of the high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) used in many popular soda brands has been sorely underestimated. Around 100 years ago the average American consumed a mere 15 grams of fructose a day, primarily in the form of fruit. One hundred years later, one fourth of Americans are consuming more than 135 grams per day, largely in the form of soda.
Fructose at 15 grams a day is harmless (unless you suffer from high uric acid levels). However, at nearly 10 times that amount it becomes a major cause of obesity and nearly all chronic degenerative diseases. Instead of consisting of 55 percent fructose and 45 percent glucose, many soda brands, including Coke, Pepsi and Sprite, contain as much as 65 percent fructose, nearly 20 percent higher than originally believed.
According to one study, the mean fructose content of all 23 sodas tested was 59 percent -- higher than claimed by the industry. When you consider that Americans drink an average of 53 to 57 gallons of soda per year(depending on the source of your statistics), this difference in actual fructose content could make a huge difference in your health.
The Down and Dirty About Fructose
The American Beverage Association and other front groups will try to persuade you that fructose in high fructose corn syrup is no worse for you than sugar, but this is not true. ABA also claims there is "no association between high fructose corn syrup and obesity," but a long lineup of scientific studies suggest otherwise.
For example:
Dr. David Ludwig of Boston Children's Hospital did a study of the effects of sugar-sweetened drinks on obesity in children. He found that for each additional serving of a sugar-sweetened drink, both body mass index and odds of obesity increased.
The Fizzy Drink Study in Christchurch, England explored the effects on obesity when soda machines were removed from schools for one year. In the schools where the machines were removed, obesity stayed constant. In the schools where soda machines remained, obesity rates continued to rise.
In a 2009 study, 16 volunteers were fed a controlled diet including high levels of fructose. Ten weeks later, the volunteers had produced new fat cells around their hearts, livers and other digestive organs. They also showed signs of food-processing abnormalities linked to diabetes and heart disease. A second group of volunteers who were fed a similar diet, but with glucose replacing fructose, did not have these problems.Fructose is also a likely culprit behind the millions of U.S. children struggling with non-alcoholic liver disease, which is caused by a build-up of fat within liver cells. Fructose is very hard on your liver, in much the same way as drinking alcohol.
Liver burden number one: After eating fructose, 100 percent of the metabolic burden rests on your liver—ONLY your liver can break it down. This is much different than consuming glucose, in which your liver has to break down only 20 percent, and the remaining 80 percent is immediately metabolized and used by the rest of the cells in your body.
Liver burden number two: Fructose is converted into fat that gets stored in your liver and other tissues as body fat. Part of what makes fructose so bad for your health is that it is metabolized to fat in your body far more rapidly than any other sugar. For example, if you eat 120 calories of fructose, 40 calories are stored as fat. But if you eat the same amount of glucose, less than one calorie gets stored as fat. Consuming fructose is essentially consuming fat!Fructose metabolism is very similar to the way alcohol is metabolized, which has a multitude of toxic metabolites that, if consumed in excess, can lead to non-alcoholic liver disease. For a complete discussion of fructose metabolism, see my comprehensive article about this.
Diet Soda is NOT a Safe Alternative to Regular Soda
If you think you're better off drinking diet soda, think again. In fact, if I had to choose between the two, I'd take regular soda over diet. Instead of fructose, diet soda contains artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame or sucralose (Splenda). With all the research now available on aspartame and its various ingredients, it's hard to believe such a chemical would even be allowed into the food supply, but it is, and it's been silently wreaking havoc with people's health for the past 30 years.
Just to refresh your memory, aspartame has been linked to the following health concerns, and Splenda is associated with many similar problems:
Lymphomas, leukemias, and brain cancer Asthma Neurological symptoms including headaches, depressed and anxious mood, seizures, memory loss, hallucinations, and dizziness Visual changes Weakness and fatigue Joint pain Sleep disorders Weight gain and diabetes Abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea Rashes and hives
PDC's Phys. Ed. Blog
Hello everyone,
I just wanted to share PDC's new Phys. Ed. blog with you:
Bookmark it for future videos, lesson, or any news Miss Patricia, Miss Michelle, and Miss Sylvia have for you!
I just wanted to share PDC's new Phys. Ed. blog with you:
Bookmark it for future videos, lesson, or any news Miss Patricia, Miss Michelle, and Miss Sylvia have for you!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Dear Parents,
The children have the great delight of being introduced to the concept of multiplication this week. In order to help them transition into this more fluidly, we are emailing you this link to short video introduction of the topic. Your child has a worksheet that they must complete before coming to the next math class (the class of November 14th). All the information that they need is contained in the video. Please pause and repeat is as often as needed.
Thank you so much for your continued support!
Miss Lopez
The children have the great delight of being introduced to the concept of multiplication this week. In order to help them transition into this more fluidly, we are emailing you this link to short video introduction of the topic. Your child has a worksheet that they must complete before coming to the next math class (the class of November 14th). All the information that they need is contained in the video. Please pause and repeat is as often as needed.
Miss Lopez
Monday, November 11, 2013
L'étoile de la semaine
Massimo est notre étoile de la semaine. Massimo est un élève souriant qui a toujours quelque chose interessante à partager avec la classe! Il aime jouer au baseball et au hockey et passer son temps avec son chien Maggie. Massimo aime lire la série de Geronimo Stilton et écouter le film Free Bird.
Il admire son papa, parce qu'il est très patient. Plus tard Massimo aimerait devenir un mécanicien comme son papa! Bravo Massimo, continue ton excellent travail!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Remembrance Day
As Canadians we are preparing for the country’s annual Remembrance Day to honor the men and women who have risked or lost their lives in times of war.
In our classes (all of the grade 3 classes) we are preparing and learning a great deal about the sacrifices of animals in time of war as well.
The number of animals who have been used in war is actually quite alarming. In World War 1 alone, eight million horses were killed and another 2.5 million were injured transporting soldiers, arms and supplies into battle. Dogs have also played a significant role in wartime, rescuing soldiers and civilians, delivering messages, acting as watchdogs and detecting dangerous gases, explosives and landmines and even parachuted behind enemy lines.
The number of animals who have been used in war is actually quite alarming. In World War 1 alone, eight million horses were killed and another 2.5 million were injured transporting soldiers, arms and supplies into battle. Dogs have also played a significant role in wartime, rescuing soldiers and civilians, delivering messages, acting as watchdogs and detecting dangerous gases, explosives and landmines and even parachuted behind enemy lines.
Watch the following video to remember what we learned in class today:
Miss Lopez
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
L'étoile de la semaine
Notre étoile de cette semaine est Angelica.
Notre belle et très artistique Angelica a été nommée d'après son grand-père Angelo.
Angelica aime beaucoup lire les romans de Thea Stilton et écouter le film de Beverly Hills Chihuahua.
Elle aime manger de la lasagne en écoutant PittBull:)
Plus tard Angelica aimerait devenir un artiste, voyager à Paris et faire de la peinture tout près de la Tour Eiffel.
Le monde qui nous entoure est composé de matière, mais aussi d'énergie. La matière, d'un côté, est composée d'atomes et comprend tout ce qui est solide, liquide ou gazeux.
L'énergie peut être constatée par l'observation de ses effets. Par exemple, lorsque le vent souffle, on ne le voit pas. On peut par contre observer le mouvement des feuilles qui sont déplacées par le vent, ce qui représente un effet de l'énergie éolienne.
L'énergie est donc définie comme étant la capacité de provoquer un changement.
L'énergie est donc définie comme étant la capacité de provoquer un changement.
On peut généralement regrouper l'énergie par leur origine:
- l'énergie éolienne est une forme d'énergie mécanique puisqu'elle implique le déplacement du vent;
- l'énergie hydraulique est une forme d'énergie mécanique puisqu'elle implique le déplacement de l'eau;
- l'énergie solaire est une forme d'énergie rayonnante puisqu'elle est transportée par les ondes électromagnétiques émises par le Soleil;
- L'énergie mécanique ou musculaire est le forme d'énergie liée au mouvement d'un corps ou à sa position dans l'espace;
- L’énergie thermique ou calorifique est l'énergie associée au mouvement désordonné des particules contenues dans une substance, comme la chaleur/
Nous avons commencé l'unité sur l'énergie en sciences en écoutant le video suivant. Ecoute le un deuxième fois pour pouvoir mieux comprendre l'énergie:)
Monday, November 4, 2013
We started our unit on patterns today. Patterns help children make connections, learn how to predict more accurately and learn sequencing as a few smaller aspects
Life is all about patterns. Everything around us has a pattern, something that keeps repeating, happening over and over. From the solar system, to the calendar system, our life source - breathe in and then breathe out, the 7 days of a week, the months of the year, etc. Our life is built on the mathematical principal of patterning. The quicker and more completely the kiddies understand that concept, the more completely and deeply they'll understand many more concepts surrounding their own lives, especially multiplication facts:)
The following is a video we watched today in class, that show us how to use the 100 chart to figure out patterns. Watch it again to get a deeper understanding:
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