Miss Lopez's blog

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Genius Hour 2019

Dear Parents,
Our class has started Genius Hour!  Genius Hour gives students the ability to apply the skills they have learned in school (or hidden talents they might possess) towards an individual passion project.  It lets students dive into something they are curious about, perhaps not covered by the regular curriculum. During Genius Hour students will have the freedom to investigate, discover and explore things about a particular topic they are passionate about.
Genius hour started as a Google initiative for their workforce.  Google employs thousands of individuals world-wide. These employees use 20% of their work-time to indulge in a personal-project of their choosing.  Google maintains that if you let people work on something interesting, it will lead to a more happy employee which in turn will lead to higher job satisfaction and commitment. More so, many of these personal projects end up becoming full-fledged projects that we inevitably all use day-in and day-out. Google’s methodology apparently seems to be working well because about half of Google’s innovations have been created during this personal-project time! Many schools and teachers, including myself, have heard about Google’s personal-project time and have adopt it in our classrooms. 
It’s been my past experience that my students have truly embraced Genius Hour and have discovered so many talents because of it.  Finally, once all the research is over, students will create a project to showcase what they have learned.  Students are given free rein to explore whatever comes to mind; make a video or poster, code, write a report, draw, or paint the multitude of ways to show what they have learned are endless!  

Edible water bottles?  What a fun idea!  I knew our munchkins were going to change the world!!

Stay tuned for pictures of our great classroom creations. Have a great night!  

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