Miss Lopez's blog

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

If the emperor penguins disappear, who cares?

What does it matter if one more bird disappears? Will anyone notice? Our planet has already lost so many species, and life goes on as usual. Why should we fret about the fate of a penguin? In reality, it is never just about a little bird. Humans impact entire ecosystems, for better or for worse.
I am a big advocate of protecting our planet. It is the only one we have that is perfect for us! It is not too cold or too hot...yet!
I showed the kiddies a video on Global Warming today. I find it alarming that Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions have increased by 32 per cent in the past 15 years. Canada’s Arctic is warming faster than anywhere else on the planet. Across Canada and around the globe, climate change has a far-reaching impact on people, our economy, wildlife and natural spaces that many species call home.
I believe we should inform our children what is happening to our planet, and teach them ways they can change it's fate. After all this is their planet too!

What I can do to protect the environment:

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